
Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales


TIKTOK: Team Aphrodite vs. Team Artemis


Tema: Greek gods


Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales

Materias y cursos por Sistema Educativo

España > Cultura Clásica > 1º ESO > Continuidad del patrimonio cultural. Mitología y religión


Observaciones y contexto

Erinna's work is an elegy, a poetic composition that is not subject to a specific type of verse, but Erinna uses the dactylic hexameter, typical of Homeric poetry. 

She wrote in Doric dialect with Aeolicisms, a nod to her predecessor Sappho and to lyrical poetry in general, since Aeolian is the language this genre was born in. There are other poetesses of later times which date from the 4th century until the Hellenistic or Roman periods. Some of these women are Anyte of Tegea, Myro of Byzantium, Nossis, Aristodama of Smyrna or Melinno.  

The elegy is a type of composition that has continued to be cultivated throughout history, and of which Erinna is, undoubtedly, an icon.  
An activity is suggested to be completed individually and then in groups, since it has several parts. In the first one, students read the text and reflect about it to identify the concepts connected to each goddess. In the second part, using the information extracted from the reading, they create two charts with the characteristics, attributes and things the goddesses have power over. In the third part, students form two groups: Aphrodite and Artemis. Students have to choose which goddess they identify with to create a TIKTOK video in which they show the attributes and characteristics of said goddess. 
The activity is assigned to 1st of ESO, specifically related to the content Block Continuity of Cultural Heritage.  Mythology and Religion.


Learning about two Olympian goddesses, Aphrodite and Artemis, through The Distaff, a poem by Erinna. 



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