
Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales


Mythical mountains


Tema: Mountains of Greece that appear in important stories of mythology


Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales

Materias y cursos por Sistema Educativo

España > Cultura Clásica > 4º ESO > Raíces clásicas del mundo actual. Marco geográfico de Grecia y Roma


Observaciones y contexto

Corinna is part of the extensive but poorly known group of Greek poetesses. She is said to have been a disciple of the poetess Myrtis and to have rivaled Pindar himself. Although the local nature of her work prevented it from being widely disseminated at first, interest in Corinna and her poetry resurfaced at the end of Hellenism. The Greek poet Antipater of Thessalonica (1st century BC) included her in one of his epigrams as one of the nine muses of ancient lyric poetry, among which were, in his opinion, those of the highest quality. 

As a result of the mention of mounts Helicon and Cithaeron in Corinna's poems, a list of oronyms related to known myths is proposed to the students. The students will have to locate them on a map of Greece, find out what myth takes place in it and briefly explain it. The result of their investigations can be reflected in a joint mural. 
This activity has been assigned to 4th of ESO, but it can also be done in other courses, reducing the number of terms to investigate if necessary.


Reading of fragments, data collection, information search and geographic location. 

