Tipos de obras



Literatura > Poesía > Lírica

Movimientos socio-culturales

Antigüedad > Cultura griega > Época arcaica


3 fragments (skolia) / 2 hymns: Achilles, Adonis in the underworld (fragmentary work)

Fecha de producción: 400 a.C

Tipos de obras



Literatura > Poesía > Lírica

Movimientos socio-culturales

Antigüedad > Cultura griega > Época arcaica


Fragment 1- Hymn (¿?)


(Tú entendiste sus palabras)

Pero jamás pudieron persuadir al corazón

Dentro de tu pecho. 

Fragment 2- Scholium


Remarca el dicho de Admeto, mi amigo: pégate

A los hombres con clase,

Aléjate de los pícaros, dado que estos

Raramente demuestran gratitud.

Fragment 3- Shcolium


Permíteme advertirte, amigo mío: los escorpiones

Yacen escondidos debajo de cada piedra:

Cuídate de su picadura: lo que no puedes ver

Promete toda clase de trampa.

Fragment 4- Scholium (praxilius)


Ah, señorita, que desde tu ventana soplas besos.

Una señorita por tu cara, pero más abajo una señora.

Fragment 5- Hymn

Adonis in the underworld

Lo más hermoso que dejo atrás es la luz del sol,

Después las brillantes estrellas y el rostro de la luna,

Pero también los pepinos en sazón y las manzanas y las peras.


Grrek text

κάλλιστον μὲν ἐγὼ λείπω φάος ἠελίοιο, 
δεύτερον ἄστρα φαεινὰ σεληναίης τε πρόσωπον 
ἠδὲ καὶ ὡραίους σικύους καὶ μῆλα καὶ ὄγχνας· 
(747 Poetae Minores Graeci



Información de la obra y contexto de creación

These fragments, and little else, are all that has come down to us from the work of this Greek poetess. Of these, the most remembered and reproduced is Adonis in the underworld. There are many versions and translations, here we have chosen the translation of the University of Oxford, except for the last fragment, the translation of which is our own. She wrote drinking songs (skolia), encompassed under the name of Paroinia, hymns and dithyrambs (choral songs in honor of Dionysus) and invented a dactylic meter, the Praxilleion.

She was highly recognised during her time and her work was highly valued. Currently, it is difficult to make an assessment of it, given the scarce volume that is preserved, but her poems were sung until the second century BC. The fact that her work was highly recognised and valued is proved by several later events, although not all positive: Aristophanes parodied verses of her poetry both in Wasps (v. 1238) as in Thesmophoriazusae (v. 528), implying not only that he knew of her work, but also that his audience was familiar with it too; she was sculpted in bronze by Lysippus; she was also quoted by the sophist Zenobius to eplain the proverbial expression "Dumber than Praxilla's Adonis" (because the mention of cucumbers next to the sun and moon seemed incongruous). Something that Zenobius missed, however, is that "a possible pun in verse three between cucumber (Greek sicyos) and the name of Praxilla's hometown (Sicyon) suggests more than one level of meaning in Adonis' verses." ("Testimonia and fragments" in David A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, vol. 4, pp. 374-381 (Loeb Classical Library, 1992). Also Josephine Balmer notes, in her Classical Women Poets, that "a cucumber could be taken as a perfect emblem of the male fertility god."

She was a contemporary of Telesilla of Argos, another great poetess. Unfortunately, only two of Telesilla’s verses are preserved. Six centuries after Praxilla's death, the poet Antipater of Thessalonica declared her one of the 9 earthly muses of "immortal tongue."



-Classical culture: Block Classical roots of today's world. Everyday life; Block Continuity of cultural heritage. Literature (Poetry), art and science.

-Greek Baccalaureate: Block The text: comprehension and translation; Block Literary education.

-Spanish Language and Literature ESO: Literary Education Block.

-Universal Literature 1st Baccalaureate: Interpretation of Greek period fragments of different genres and themes.



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