Tipos de obras



Literatura > Poesía > Lírica

Movimientos socio-culturales

Antigüedad > Cultura griega > Época arcaica


Parthenius (fragment) / Fragment dedicated to Hera (attributed)

Fecha de producción: 500 a.C

Tipos de obras



Literatura > Poesía > Lírica

Movimientos socio-culturales

Antigüedad > Cultura griega > Época arcaica


1. Parthenion about the love of Artemis and the river Alpheus, which was composed to be performed by a choir of virgins. 

ἁ δ᾽ Ἁρτεμις, ὦ κόραι, 
φεύγοισα τὸν Ἀλφεόν… 
                                               Hephaestion; Enchiridion, 11, 2. 
Translation to Spanish:  

Ártemis, chicas,
huyendo de Alfeo…

Translation to English:  

Artemis, girls, 
fleeing from Alpheus... 

2. Combat between Hera and Zeus (fragment) 

[…] diosas

venid aquí desde el cielo

y conmigo cantad 

a la Madre de los dioses

cuando llega errante

por montes y valles

[…] la cabellera

[…] la mente.

El soberano Zeus al ver

a la Madre de los dioses,

un rayo lanzó, y

los timbales tocaba.

las rocas quebró, y

los timbales tocaba.

“Madre, márchate con los dioses,

Y no vayas por los montes

no sea que los leones de brillantes ojos

o los blancos lobos


“Y no me voy con los dioses,

Si no obtengo mis partes, 

la mitad del cielo,

la mitad de la tierra,

y del mar la tercera parte.

y de este modo me marcharé”.

¡Salve, o gran soberana, 

Madre de los dioses!




Información de la obra y contexto de creación

Her poetry is hymnic-religious or mythical. She attributed the dances of the opposing male and female choirs to the commemoration of the military feat of Telesilla, who armed and dressed women as men in order to defend her city against Cleomenes I in the Battle of Sepeia, giving rise to the celebration of the Hybristika or Endymatia festivals. 

She created a new verse, called telesillean (acefallous or "headless" glyconic). Her only surviving verses belong to a parthenion about the love of Artemis and the river Alpheus, which was composed to be performed by a choir of maidens. 

She is part of an important lyrical movement of Continental Greece that made its way through the 6th century BC and whose representatives are women: Telesilla of Argos, Myrtis, Praxilla of Sicyo, Corinna from Tanagra, Erinna, Anyte, Sappho, Moero and Nossis. 





-Classical culture: Block Classical roots of today's world. Everyday life; Block Continuity of cultural heritage. Literature (Poetry), art and science.

-Greek Baccalaureate: Block The text: comprehension and translation; Literary Education Block.

-Spanish Language and Literature ESO: Literary Education Block.

-Universal Literature 1st Baccalaureate: Interpretation of Greek period fragments of different genres and themes.
