
Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Plurilingüe

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales


Let's rap!


Tema: Literary genres: epic, lyric and drama.


Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Plurilingüe

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales

Materias y cursos por Sistema Educativo

España > Cultura Clásica > 4º ESO > Pervivencia de las lenguas clásicas. Lengua y léxico


Observaciones y contexto

Lyrical poetess, creator of the Telesillean meter and fighting leader against Cleomenes I in the Battle of Sepeia; she claimed equality and female public participation in the city of Argos.    

The figure and work of Telesilla links with the female members of the lyrical movement in Continental Greece: Myrtis, Praxilla of Sicyon, Corinna of Tanagra, Erinna of Telos, Anyte, Sappho of Lesbos, Moero and Nossis.   


As a lyrical poetess of Greek monody, Telesilla created her own verse which received the name of telesillean verse (acefallous "headless" glyconic x - u u - u-). 



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