
Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia Ciudadana

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales


Wedding planner


Tema: Marriage ritual 


Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia Ciudadana

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales

Materias y cursos por Sistema Educativo

España > Cultura Clásica > 2º ESO > Raíces clásicas del mundo actual. Vida cotidiana


Observaciones y contexto

Erinna's work is an elegy, a poetic composition that is not subject to a specific type of verse, but Erinna uses the dactylic hexameter, which is typical of homeric poetry.   

She writes in the Dorian dialect, loaded with Aeolicisms, a nod to her predecessor Sappho and to lyric poetry in general, given that Aeolian is the language in which this genre was born. From later times, ranging from the 4th century AD until Hellenistic and Roman times, other poets can be found, such as Anyte of Tegea, Moero of Byzantium, Nossis, Aristodama of Smyrna or Melinno. 

The elegy is a type of composition that has continued to be cultivated throughout history, and of which Erinna is, undoubtedly, a referent. 
We will offer some keys that should be included in the activity, such as: 

- Gamelion: name of the month of the Greek calendar destined for marriages (end of January, beginning of February).     

- Proaulia: it was the time when the wife spent her last days with her mother, female relatives and friends, preparing for marriage. Usually, it was a party held at the house of the bride's father. During this ceremony, the bride would have made different offerings, invoking the proteleia, from goddesses such as Artemis and Aphrodite. Some toys were dedicated to Artemis by teenage girls before marriage, as a prelude to finding a husband and having children. More significantly, as a rite of passage before the wedding, the ritual of cutting and donating a lock of hair took place. This offering represented the separation of the wife from her childhood and an initiation into adulthood. Likewise, a link was established between the bride and the gods, who provided her with protection during this transition. 

- Hymenaeus: lyrical composition sung during the procession of the bride to the groom's house. 

- Gamos: it was the day of marriage, and it consisted of a series of ceremonies that involved the transfer of the bride from her father's house to that of her new husband. The day's ritual had begun with a wedding bath by the bride in the Calirroe fountain, symbolizing purification and fertility. The bride and groom then made offerings at the temple in order to ensure a fruitful future life. Both families attended the wedding party. However, men and women sat at different tables. 

- Anakalupteria: the removal of the bride's veil. This meant the completion of the transfer to the husband's family. 

- Epaulia: a shower for the wife and husband. The married couple received most of the gifts and preparation for their journey as husband and wife. 
Once the rite of marriage in Greece is learned, the students, individually or in groups of 3, will act as wedding planners, describing how they are going to organize a wedding. You will choose whether you have been hired by the groom's or the bride's family, you will describe each of the steps that you have to take at any given time and the people available to carry it out, what services you are going to hire (music, banquet, dressmaker, etc.), and create your own company logo. 


Through Erinna's work, The Distaff, we will delve into the ritual of marriage in Greece. 



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