
Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Plurilingüe

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales


Wedding vows


Tema: Vocabulary 


Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Plurilingüe

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales

Materias y cursos por Sistema Educativo

España > Cultura Clásica > 4º ESO > Pervivencia de las lenguas clásicas. Lengua y léxico


Observaciones y contexto

Erinna's work is an elegy, a poetic composition that is not subject to a specific type of verse, but Erinna uses the dactylic hexameter, typical of homeric poetry. 

She writes in the Dorian dialect, loaded with Aeolicisms, a nod to her predecessor Sappho and to lyric poetry in general, given that Aeolian is the language with which this genre was born. From later times, ranging from the 4th century AD until the Hellenistic and Roman times, other poets can be found, such as Anyte of Tegea, Moero of Byzantium, Nossis, Aristodama of Smyrna or Melinno. 

The elegy is a type of composition that has continued to be cultivated throughout history, and of which Erinna is, undoubtedly, a referent. 
An activity to be done individually is proposed, and it is made up of two parts: formation of a glossary of words related to the marriage rite and, secondly, the etymologies linked to the etymons gamos, Aphrodite and Eros. 


Through the work of Erinna The Distaff, we will make known the words linked to marriage and love, creating a glossary and looking for derivatives of some etyms. 



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