
Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales


Locate eight great women


Tema: Important women of antiquity


Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Personal, social y de aprender a aprender

Competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales

Materias y cursos por Sistema Educativo

España > Cultura Clásica > 1º ESO > Raíces clásicas del mundo actual. Marco geográfico de Grecia y Roma


Observaciones y contexto

Prehistoric women gatherers discovered and used the healing properties of plants. In Egypt, in 3000 BC, there were already female physicians or surgeons, and by 1500 BC, the schools of Sais and Heliopolis were open to women like Sephora and Queen Hatshepsut. In Mesopotamia, women healers were very important. In the Greek cities there were also female physicians and surgeons, but their role was gradually restricted to that of midwives. Popular medicine also stood out: one of the first herbalists was Artemisia II of Caria. In Athens, in the 4th century BC, women were prevented from practising medicine, being accused of performing abortions; it was in this context that the figure of Agnodice appeared. In Rome, there were many prominent female physicians who also wrote treatises, such as Elephantis, Lais, Olympias the Theban, Antiochis and Metrodora. The texts on gynaecology and obstetrics by Cleopatra and Aspasia, which were the most important until the work of Trota in the 11th century, stand out.

The activity is aimed at 1st of ESO in classical culture but could also be carried out in 2nd of ESO. In first year history we study Greece and Rome and it would be a transversal way of approaching the characters. 


Relate the names and biographical details of eight outstanding women of classical antiquity, especially Agnodice, and locate them on a map.

