
Mathematical competence in science, technology and engineering

Personal, social and learning to learn competence

Competence in cultural awareness and expressions


Dividing a segment into golden ratio.


Theme: Basic geometric shapes


Mathematical competence in science, technology and engineering

Personal, social and learning to learn competence

Competence in cultural awareness and expressions

Subjects and year by Educational System

Spain > Mathematics > 1st ESO > Spatial sense

Spain > Mathematics > 1st ESO > Socio-affective sense


Observations and context

- In this guided activity, students need material to draw perpendiculars and arcs of circumference, as well as a ruler to measure the segments found. It is important to try to accompany them so that they are able to follow the instructions.

- The aim of the activity is to put into practice the knowledge learnt about perpendiculars, and triangles and to practice with rulers and compasses. The golden number is used to introduce Theano in the construction and we can mention at the end what an irrational number is. It is also interesting to note at the end of the activity that all students will have found a very similar number, different approximations of the golden number, regardless of the initial segment they have drawn.

- Crotone was in Theano's time a colony of Magna Graecia.

- Enheduanna (25th century BC) was a predecessor of Theano of Crotone, considered the first recorded woman in the history of science and the first to sign her works, in cuneiform script.

- Some of Theano's contemporaries are other women in the Pythagorean school that were born around 500 BC, such as Damo, Myia and Arignote of Crotone, considered to be daughters of Theano and Pythagoras by several authors. Even though there is not much information about them, some other women belonging to this group were Babelica of Argos, Beo of Argos, Quilonis, Echecrates of Phlius, Ecellus and Ocellus Lucanus, Habrotelia of Tarento, Cleecma, Cratesiclea, Lastenia of Arcadia, Pisirroda of Tarento, Filtis, Teadusa, Timica and Tirsenis of Sibaris.

- After Theano we can mention Aglaonice, or Aganice of Thessaly, (3rd century BC, known for her ability to predict eclipses) and Hypatia (4th century AD).


Ruler and compass exercise. The aim of the task is to divide a segment into golden ratio through a step-to-step guided ruler and compass construction.



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