
Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Matemática, en ciencia, tecnología e ingeniería

Competencia Ciudadana


The lunar cycles


Tema: Astronomer women. Computation of time. The calendar.


Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística

Competencia Matemática, en ciencia, tecnología e ingeniería

Competencia Ciudadana

Materias y cursos por Sistema Educativo

España > Cultura Clásica > 2º ESO > Raíces clásicas del mundo actual. Vida cotidiana


Observaciones y contexto

Aglaonice was the first woman known to have devoted herself to the study of astronomy. However, in ancient Greece, many women played an important role in different fields of knowledge, such as Phanostrate, midwife and physician; Pythias of Assos, biologist and embryologist who collaborated with her husband, Aristotle, in studies on embryology and in the preparation of an encyclopaedia on Natural History; Agnodica of Athens, an important gynaecologist; Artemisia II of Caria, expert in medicinal herbs; her namesake Artemisia I, also queen of Caria and captain of a fleet; Aspasia of Miletus, philosopher, logographer and teacher of rhetoric; Hypatia of Alexandria, mathematician and astronomer, among many others

This activity has been created for 2nd of ESO, but it can also be completed in other levels as long as there is guidance during research. 


Students are given a text about Aglaonice and some questions to learn about this figure. The second part proposes an investigation about the relationship between lunar cycles, well known by Aglaonice, and calendars.  



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