
Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència Ciutadana

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals


Agnodice on stage


Tema: Agnodice's trial. Clothing


Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència Ciutadana

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals

Matèries i cursos per Sistema Educatiu

Espanya > Cultura Clàssica > 1r ESO > Arrels clàssiques del món actual. Vida quotidiana


Observacions i context

Prehistoric women gatherers discovered and used the healing properties of plants. In Egypt, before 3000 BC, there were already female physicians or surgeons, and by 1500 BC, the schools of Sais and Heliopolis were open to women like Sephora and Queen Hatsepshut. In Mesopotamia, female healers were very important, and in Greek cities there were female physicians and surgeons, but their role was gradually restricted to that of midwives. Popular medicine also stood out: one of the first herbalists was Artemisia II of Caria. In Athens, in the 4th century BC, women were prevented from practising medicine, being accused of performing abortions; it was in this context that the figure of Agnodice appeared. In Rome there were many prominent female physicians who also wrote treatises, such as Elephantis, Lais, Olympias the Theban, Antiochis and Metrodora. Among the women who wrote about gynaecology and obstetrics, the texts of Cleopatra and Aspasia stand out, which were the most important until the work of Trota in the 11th century.

Although this activity can be carried out individually, it is ideal to work in groups. Since it is a large project that can be divided into many sub-tasks, it is possible to work on it with the whole class at the same time.

The activity has been assigned to the 1st year of ESO, specifically related to the content block Classical roots of today's world. Everyday life. However, it can be carried out perfectly well at all levels of ESO. It is very interesting to ask for the collaboration of the language and literature teachers of that level and to work at the same time on the characteristics of dramatic texts.



Dramatisation of a historical episode: the trial of Agnodice.



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