
Competence in Linguistic Communication

Personal, social and learning to learn competence

Competence in cultural awareness and expressions


Guardian of Mathematical Knowledge.


Theme: Background of classical philosophy.


Competence in Linguistic Communication

Personal, social and learning to learn competence

Competence in cultural awareness and expressions

Subjects and year by Educational System

Spain > Classical culture > 2nd ESO > Classical roots of today's world. History and socio-political evolution


Observations and context

Crotone was in Theanus' time a colony of Magna Graecia.

Enheduanna (25th century BC) was a predecessor of Theano of Crotone. She is considered to be the first woman in the history of science and the first one to sign her work, in cuneiform; as well the Egyptian physician Peseshet or the Assyrian perfumers like Taputti, who paved the way for later women.

Some of Theano's contemporaries are other women in the Pythagorean school that were born around 500 BC, such as Damo, Myia and Arignote of Crotona, considered to be daughters of Theano and Pythagoras by several authors. Even though there is not much information about them, some other women belonging to this group were Babelica of Argos, Beo of Argos, Quilonis, Equecratia de Fliunte, Ecelo and Ocelo of Lucania, Habrotelia of Tarento, Cleecma, Cratesiclea, Lastenia of Arcadia, Pisirroda of Tarento, Fintis, Teadusa, Timica and Tirsenis of Sibaris. 

Following Theano, we can find Aglaonice (3rd century BC, known for her ability to predict eclipses) and Hypatia (4th century AD). 

The activity has been assigned to 2nd of ESO, in the block of Classical roots of today's world. History and socio-political evolution, even though it can be carried out in other years.  


This activity highlights the importance of women in the Pythagorean school and the fundamental role of Theano after its destruction. The activity is based on the autonomous research of students about the different topics proposed: Pythagorean female philosophers, the figure of Theano of Crotone, and finally the goal of the Pythagorean school.  



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