
Competència Matemàtica, en ciència, tecnologia i enginyeria

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals


Representing the curve (the witch) of Agnesi


Tema: Change. Graphic study of the growth and decrease of functions in everyday life contexts with the support of technological tools: absolute, relative, and average rates of variation.


Competència Matemàtica, en ciència, tecnologia i enginyeria

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals

Matèries i cursos per Sistema Educatiu

Espanya > Matemàtiques > 3r ESO > Sentit algebraic

Espanya > Matemàtiques > 3r ESO > Sentit socioafectiu

Espanya > Matemàtiques > 4t(A) ESO > Sentit de la mesura

Espanya > Matemàtiques > 4t(A) ESO > Sentit algebraic

Espanya > Matemàtiques > 4t(A) ESO > Sentit socioafectiu


Observacions i context

- Alternatively, we can tell students how this curve was mistranslated as "the witch of Agnesi" instead of "Agnesi’s curve" and explore what connotations or motivations there could be behind that mistranslation (by a man) of one of the best texts on mathematics at the time, written by a woman. 

- Maria Gaetana Agnesi was a child prodigy that, from a very young age, was able to communicate in several languages and to have deep philosophical and scientific conversations. Her sister, Maria Teresa Agnesi, was a musician and composer. 

- Some of Maria Gaetana Agnesi's forerunners in mathematics, philosophy and astronomy are Theano of Crotone (c. 546 BC - c. 450 BC), Hypatia of Alexandria (c. 370 – c. 416) and, in the early modern period, Sophia Brahe (1556-1643), Maria Cunitz (1610-1664), and Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (1646 -1684). 

- Some of her contemporaries were renowned scientists such as Margaretha Kirch (1703-1744), astronomer; Faustina Pignatelli Carafa (1705-1785), physicist and mathematician; Émilie du Châtelet (1706-1749), mathematician, physicist and philosopher; Laura Maria Catharina Bassi (1711-1778), scientist, poet, and philosopher; Angelique-Marguerite le Boursier du Coudray (1712-1794), midwife; Dorothea Christiane Leporin (1715-1762), doctor; Anna Morandi Manzolini (1716-1774), anatomist; Marie-Geneviève-Charlotte Thiroux d’Arconville (1720-1805), chemist, anatomist, and biologist; María Juana Rosa Andresa Casamayor de la Coma (1720-1780), mathematician; Nicole-Reine de la Brière Lepaute (1723-1788), astronomer; Marie Anne Victoire Pigeon (1724-1767), mathematician, or Maria Angela Ardinghelli (1728-1825), mathematician and physicist, among others.

- Other relevant scientists in the 18th century were Maria Christina Bruhn (1732-1808), chemist and inventor; Claudine Picardet (1735-1820), chemist, mineralogist and meteorologist; Jeanne Baret (1740-1807), botanist and explorer; Caroline Lucrecia Herschel (1750-1848), astronomer; Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze (1758-1836), chemist; and Sophie Germain (1776-1831), mathematician and physicist.


In this activity, students will be asked to represent the witch of Agnesi for a=5 with the help of the teacher; then, they will comment on its most relevant characteristics.

