
Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals




Tema: Archaic lyric poetry


Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals

Matèries i cursos per Sistema Educatiu

Espanya > Cultura Clàssica > 4t ESO > Pervivència de les llengües clàssiques. Llengua i lèxic


Observacions i context

Praxilla's predecessor was the great poet Sappho of Lesbos and her contemporary was Telesilla of Argos. All of them are important representatives of female lyric poetry of the archaic era. From later times, ranging from the 4th century until the Hellenistic and Roman times, are other poets such as Erinna of Telos, Anyte of Tegea, Moero of Byzantium, Nossis, Aristodama of Smyrna or Melinno. 

Instructions for the activity: 

1st part 

-Materials per group: extract of the hymn to Adonis in Spanish and Greek (one copy per student); cardboard, pencils, crayons, markers... 

-Each group will read the extract in Spanish. 

-Each group will copy the extract, in large letters, onto the cardboard, replacing all possible words with drawings, as if it were a hieroglyph, and leaving space to copy the Greek text later as well as the new version. 

2nd part 

-The cardboards with the hieroglyph son them are exchanged between the groups. 

-Each group will now reinterpret the poem based on their chosen hieroglyph and will rewrite the poem, making their own version based on their interpretation of the mural in front of them. 

-The new creations will be read aloud to the rest of the class and compared with the original. 

-Copy the new version onto the mural and choose the one you like best. 

3rd part 

-Each member of each group will have a table with the Greek alphabet and its pronunciation. 

-Write your full name, address, etc. in Greek characters in upper and lower-case letters in order to practise it. When you think you are ready enough, copy the text in Greek onto the mural. 

-In groups, practise the reading of the text in Greek using the alphabet table. 

-In order to complete the activity, read aloud the text in Greek, the translated text and the new selected version to the rest of the class. 


Reading of a translated excerpt, creative activity about it and practising of the Greek alphabet. 

