
Competence in Linguistic Communication

Personal, social and learning to learn competence

Competence in cultural awareness and expressions


Caminante, tú que pasas…


Theme: Etruscan, classical and paleochristian art. Characteristics and differences


Competence in Linguistic Communication

Personal, social and learning to learn competence

Competence in cultural awareness and expressions

Subjects and year by Educational System

Spain > Classical culture > 3rd ESO > Continuity of cultural heritage. Literature, art and science


Observations and context

Erinna's work is an elegy, a poetic composition that is not subject to a specific type of verse, but Erinna uses the dactylic hexameter, typical of homeric poetry.   

She writes in the Dorian dialect, loaded with Aeolicisms, a nod to her predecessor Sappho and to lyric poetry in general, given that Aeolian is the language in which this genre was born. From later times, ranging from the 4th century AD until Hellenistic and Roman times, other poets can be found, such as Anyte of Tegea, Moero of Byzantium, Nossis, Aristodama of Smyrna or Melinno.  

The elegy is a type of composition that has continued to be cultivated throughout history, and of which Erinna is, undoubtedly, a referent.  
The epitaphs were written on the stone that served as a funerary stela (tombstone) and used to attract the attention of the walker, so that they would stop to read and be interested in whoever was lying there. The graves could vary depending on the time and the social class to which they belonged. The sculptural motifs, the materials and the size varied. Some of them were true works of art. Students will establish the differences and similarities, if any, between the different periods. Then they will determine, as far as possible, the characteristics of each one. Depending on how the activity is planned, the final result can range from being depicted on a mural to being presented by means of a PowerPoint or similar. This activity can be done individually or as a team. 


Introducing art shown in tombs trough an epitaph attributed to Erinna in the Palatine Anthology and comparing it depending on the period or civilization, from Etruria to Greece and Rome and the paleochristian period.  

