
Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència Matemàtica, en ciència, tecnologia i enginyeria

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre


Now you do not see me


Tema: The Earth and the moon


Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència Matemàtica, en ciència, tecnologia i enginyeria

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Matèries i cursos per Sistema Educatiu

Espanya > Biologia i Geologia > 4t ESO > La Terra en l'univers


Observacions i context

Aglaonice is the first woman known to have devoted herself to the study of astronomy. But, in ancient Greece, many women played an important role in different fields of knowledge, such as Phanostrate, midwife and physician; Pythias of Aso, biologist and embryologist who collaborated with her husband, Aristotle, in studies on embryology and in the elaboration of an encyclopedia on Natural History; Agnodica of Athens, important gynecologist; Artemisia II of Caria, expert in medicinal herbs; her namesake Artemisia I, also queen of Caria and captain of a fleet; Aspasia of Miletus, philosopher, logographer and teacher of rhetoric; Hypatia of Alexandria, mathematician and astronomer, among many others.


In this activity we work on the concept of solar and lunar eclipses and the relative position of the three stars involved: Sun, Earth and Moon. 
It consists of three questions to understand the dynamics of both eclipses. 
These questions are framed within the position of the Earth and its satellite in the universe. 

In order for the students to be able to perform the activity, in particular the last question, the concept of ecliptic should be explained beforehand.

