
Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals


Sappho, an Inspiration to Artists


Tema: The presence of Sappho in today's artistic expressions


Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals

Matèries i cursos per Sistema Educatiu

Espanya > Cultura Clàssica > 4t ESO > Continuïtat del patrimoni cultural. Literatura, art i ciència


Observacions i context

Sappho's example served as a stimulus for almost all the surviving poets of Greco-Roman antiquity, from the Greeks (Mirtis and Corina, from Boeotia; Telesila and Praxila, from the Peloponnese; Erina, from the island of Telos; Mero, from Byzantium; Anita, from Tegea, a modest village in Arcadia? ) to the Romans (Melino, the elegiac Sulpicia, Herenia Procula, Sulpicia the satirist, the travellers Julia Balbila and Cecilia Trebula, Fabia Aconia Paulina, the last pagan...). Romantic writers used it as a shield to validate female authorship (Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Carolina Coronado, María Rosa Gálvez, etc.). With the contributions of the papyri found at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries, Sappho was once again translated and read.

- This activity can be completed with a more detailed analysis of the iconography in the paintings, the factsheet of the painting or more information about the authors or the pictorial movement.  

- The painting by Simeon Solomon can also be studied using Erinna as a basis. 

- There are many paintings which depict this poetess, especially during Romanticism. Five of them have been selected, but others might be chosen if desired.  

The works to be analysed are the following:  

- Angelica Kauffmann, Sappho Inspired by Love (1775) 

- Théodore Chassériau, Sappho Jumping off to the Sea from a Leucadian Promontory, (1840) 

- Simeon Solomon, Sappho and Erinna in a garden in Mytilene (1864) 

- Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Sappho and Alcaeus (1881) 

- Amanda Brewster Sewell, The Poetess Sappho with Her Pupils (1883) 


Students are encouraged to do some research on Sappho in later paintings, in particular in Neoclassic and Romantic paintings. We study five paintings including Sappho and analyse the different ways in which she is depicted.   



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