
Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència Matemàtica, en ciència, tecnologia i enginyeria

Competència Digital

Competència Ciutadana


Katia Krafft and the Cumbre Vieja volcano


Tema: Volcanic activity, its risks and prevention.


Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència Matemàtica, en ciència, tecnologia i enginyeria

Competència Digital

Competència Ciutadana

Matèries i cursos per Sistema Educatiu

Espanya > Biologia i Geologia > 4t ESO > Geologia

Espanya > Biologia i Geologia > 1r ESO

Espanya > Biologia i Geologia > 3r ESO

Espanya > Biologia i Geologia > 4t ESO


Observacions i context

Katia Kraft is part of a group of women, who dedicated their lives to work in one of the many scientific areas, predominantly male, such as Geology. Among them, we can highlight Etheldred Benett, expert in fossils, who was admitted in 1836 as a member of the Imperial Society of Natural History of Moscow, thinking, given his name, that he was "an Englishman expert in fossils". When it was discovered that it was a woman, it almost created an international problem. We can also mention Dorothea Bate, who traveled alone to remote sites and, when she needed help, hired local men as guides and interpreters. Between 1901 and 1911, she explored the mountainous areas of Crete, Cyprus and the Balearic Islands, finding in the first two, fossils of pygmy elephants and hippopotamuses and in Mallorca, the Myotragus balearicus, or María Gordón, who explained how the mountains of South Tyrol, in the Alps, had been formed. All of them were pioneers and thanks to their work, we have a better knowledge of planet Earth. 
The activity, designed in 2021, may become less attractive as the years go by and the students have not lived or remember the La Palma catastrophe.


The activity aims to highlight the importance of her knowledge and her informative work in saving thousands of lives during the eruption of Pinatubo, which occurred in the Philippines in 1991, representing her as a brave heroine. In addition, the aim is to relate her story to the recent volcanic eruption of La Palma, which is a very current event and close to the students, in order to encourage their motivation.   
The activity involves: 1) the viewing of a short television report on the life of Katia Krafft; 2) the resolution of a series of questions about the report, aimed at highlighting her work in the promotion of prevention measures against volcanic eruptions and 3) the search for information on what prevention measures have been carried out during the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja de La Palma volcano.

