
Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals


Geography of the Hellenistic feminine poetry


Tema: Greece: from the Classical period to the Hellenistic period: important historical events. Alexander the Great.


Competència en Comunicació Lingüística

Competència personal, social i aprendre a aprendre

Competència en consciència i expressions culturals

Matèries i cursos per Sistema Educatiu

Espanya > Cultura Clàssica > 3r ESO > Arrels clàssiques del món actual. Marc geogràfic de Grècia i Roma


Observacions i context

Praxilla, Erinna, Myrtis, Anyte, Telesilla, Nossis, and Corinna, among others, were famous enough to have statues erected in their honour (Tat. Oratio ad Graecos, 33). Other authors mention those poetesses and others by citing their works or their fame (Eust., Comm. ad Hom. Iliad. B 711, v. 1 - 510.4; Clem. Alex. Strom. IV 19 122 4). 

The amount of poetesses chosen by Antipater is not by chance: there were nine muses and nine male lyrical poets in the canon. Here lies the originality of this feminine "canon" created at the end of the 1st century BC or at the beginning of the 1st century DC. Each canon is presented as a harmoniously structured unit. However, unlike the others, this is not a canon based on literary genre, but on the gender of its authors. In that sense, this epigram answers the Alexandrine canon of nine lyrical poets by offering an alternative one formed by authors of the opposite gender, whose works tackled different (literary) genres. 
Fernández Robbio, Matías Sebastián (2014). «Musas y escritoras: el primer canon de la literatura femenina de la Grecia antigua (AP IX 26)», en Praesentia 15, p. 1 /9. (retrevied on 05/04/2022) 


This activity is in relation to each and every one of the nine poetesses. It has been thought for 3rd of ESO, focusing only in the Hellenistic poetesses, but it can be adapted to any level.


This activity focuses on situating geographically the places of origin of the Hellenistic poetesses that conform the feminine "canon" and Aristodama of Smyrna, another poetess of the Hellenistic period whom there is not much information about. The name of the poetesses will be extracted from Antipater of Thessalonica's epigram, and then they will be situated in their place of origin following the instructions. Finally, they will be situated in a timeline. 

